Pressure Care

This sector encompasses a diverse range of compression wear products available for hire in Australia's metro areas (Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane). These prominent brands serve as essential disability aids, specifically focusing on pressure care and circulation management in both upper and lower limbs. These products play a crucial role in addressing pressure and minimizing skin friction, particularly in cases of Lymphoedema, or when there's a need for anti-embolism support during post-operative or radiotherapy treatments.
The Compression Wear range serves as a vital component in managing and preventing these conditions. Notably, the sector includes disability aids such as medical legwear, arm sleeves, hand wear, as well as compression wear for the leg, knee, ankle, heel, and foot, featuring reputable brands like Jobst, Venosan, Medi, Solaris, and others.
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{{variant.Name}}{{variant.Code}}{{variant.SalePrice}} {{variant.ListPrice}} {{variant.UOM}}
{{product.Name}}{{product.SalePrice}}{{product.SalePrice}}View details{{variant.Name}}{{variant.Code}} {{variant.UOM}}{{variant.SalePrice}} per unit{{variant.ListBulkPrice}}{{variant.ListBulkPriceSaving}}